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Tommee Tippee Closer To Nature Ppsu Milk Bottle 150Ml
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Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature® 150ml PPSU 奶瓶配新升級版乳感超柔軟奶嘴慢流量奶嘴

Tommee Tippee
Spend HK$799 or more get Mothercare Duck And Fish Teethers - 2 Pack
Spend HK$1,999 or more get Mothercare Duck And Fish Teethers - 2 Pack + Mothercare Pink Muslin Newborn Bibs - 3 pack
Spend HK$3,999 or more get Mothercare Duck And Fish Teethers - 2 Pack + Mothercare Pink Muslin Newborn Bibs - 3 pack + Bright Starts Pop N Sit Portable Booster Seat (Random Color)
Spend HK$5,999 or more get Mothercare Duck And Fish Teethers - 2 Pack + Mothercare Pink Muslin Newborn Bibs - 3 pack + Bright Starts Pop N Sit Portable Booster Seat (Random Color) + Ingenuity Basic Changing Essentials Kit with Changing Pad and Baby Einstein Cals Sensory Shake-up Activity Rattle
Spend HK$7,999 or more get Mothercare Duck And Fish Teethers - 2 Pack + Mothercare Pink Muslin Newborn Bibs - 3 pack + Bright Starts Pop N Sit Portable Booster Seat (Random Color) + Ingenuity Basic Changing Essentials Kit with Changing Pad and Baby Einstein Cals Sensory Shake-up Activity Rattle + Bright Starts Floral Safari Baby Activit Gym
Spend HK$11,999 or more get Mothercare Duck And Fish Teethers - 2 Pack + Mothercare Pink Muslin Newborn Bibs - 3 pack + Bright Starts Pop N Sit Portable Booster Seat (Random Color) + Ingenuity Basic Changing Essentials Kit with Changing Pad and Baby Einstein Cals Sensory Shake-up Activity Rattle + Bright Starts Floral Safari Baby Activit Gym + Baby Einstein Discovering Music Activity Table Toy
Our award-winning BPA Free baby bottle features a classic extra wide shaped soft silicone, gently elongated and flexes during feeding makes it easy for babies to latch on. Our Closer to Nature bottle has guaranteed acceptance by newborns and infants, the compact shape of Closer to Nature bottles allows baby to be closer to you is the best thing for baby since you—making feeding easier for everyone. Helping you #ParentOn

Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature PPSU Feeding Bottle 150ml

  • Closer to Nature PPSU 奶瓶
  • 奶瓶透明帶棕色,韓國製造
  • 堅硬物料,不易變形及磨損
  • 耐高溫,可達180°C
  • 不易沾上油脂,清洗容易
  • 奶瓶上的超寬奶嘴,讓寶寶容易含吮,令母乳餵哺及奶瓶餵唷更易融合,97%媽媽推薦使用**
  • 奶嘴上的波浪紋,令奶嘴柔韌及有彈性
  • 柔軟及超寬的矽膠奶嘴,感覺仿如肌膚,令寶寶更易接受*
  • 奶嘴上的排氣閥,有效抑制氣泡形成,令寶寶能順暢地喝奶之餘,又不會吸入過多空氣
  • 奶瓶的獨特形狀,容易拿握,在餵哺時令父母與寶寶更親近
  • 輕巧,適合用水煮哨毒、蒸氣消毒 (電子及微波爐) 及冷水消毒 (消毒藥片/溶液)
  • 不含雙酚 A及塑化劑
  • 建議8-12個月更換一次奶瓶
  • 備有150毫升, 260毫升奶瓶供選擇
  • *在1200名使用我們的奶瓶奶嘴給寶寶餵食的受訪父母中,92% 表示寶寶在頭三次使用 Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature 奶瓶奶咀時就能接受
  • **根據2012年網上問卷調查結果顯示,超過500名使用Tommee Tippee奶瓶的媽媽 - 97%同意推薦使用*
內附: 1個150毫升奶瓶 (配有慢流量奶嘴; 適合0個月以上的寶寶使用)
Name: Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature® 150ml PPSU 奶瓶配新升級版乳感超柔軟奶嘴慢流量奶嘴
Barcode: 5010415227508
Item Code: O4227500000
Style: O4227
Care Instruction:
  • 請用溫水加清潔劑清洗產品,並用清水沖洗乾淨。或可使用洗碗碟機清洗 (只限上層)。
  • 適合用蒸汽消毒(電子或微波爐)、煮沸消毒 (5分鐘) 或冷水消毒(消毒片劑/溶液)。
  • 請勿用帶刺激性的化學劑清洗此產品。
  • 請不要讓產品接觸重油份的食物(如:油、番茄醬等),因為產品可能會被染色。
We will deliver all stocked items within 3-5 working days. Courier costs as stated at the check-out.
For Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories, this is HK$50 for orders below HK$350, and free for orders above HK$350.
For Tung Chung, Ma Wan and Discovery Bay, courier cost is HK$150 for all orders.
We deliver anywhere in Hong Kong, with the exception of outlying islands and restricted zones.
