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Stokke Jetkids Cloudsleeper 1
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Stokke Jetkids Cloudsleeper 5
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Stokke Jetkids Cloudsleeper 12
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Stokke Jetkids Cloudsleeper 16
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Stokke Jetkids Cloudsleeper 2
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Stokke® CloudSleeper™ 兒童充氣床

Spend HK$799 or more get Mothercare Duck And Fish Teethers - 2 Pack
Spend HK$1,999 or more get Mothercare Duck And Fish Teethers - 2 Pack + Mothercare Pink Muslin Newborn Bibs - 3 pack
Spend HK$3,999 or more get Mothercare Duck And Fish Teethers - 2 Pack + Mothercare Pink Muslin Newborn Bibs - 3 pack + Bright Starts Pop N Sit Portable Booster Seat (Random Color)
Spend HK$5,999 or more get Mothercare Duck And Fish Teethers - 2 Pack + Mothercare Pink Muslin Newborn Bibs - 3 pack + Bright Starts Pop N Sit Portable Booster Seat (Random Color) + Ingenuity Basic Changing Essentials Kit with Changing Pad and Baby Einstein Cals Sensory Shake-up Activity Rattle
Spend HK$7,999 or more get Mothercare Duck And Fish Teethers - 2 Pack + Mothercare Pink Muslin Newborn Bibs - 3 pack + Bright Starts Pop N Sit Portable Booster Seat (Random Color) + Ingenuity Basic Changing Essentials Kit with Changing Pad and Baby Einstein Cals Sensory Shake-up Activity Rattle + Bright Starts Floral Safari Baby Activit Gym
Spend HK$11,999 or more get Mothercare Duck And Fish Teethers - 2 Pack + Mothercare Pink Muslin Newborn Bibs - 3 pack + Bright Starts Pop N Sit Portable Booster Seat (Random Color) + Ingenuity Basic Changing Essentials Kit with Changing Pad and Baby Einstein Cals Sensory Shake-up Activity Rattle + Bright Starts Floral Safari Baby Activit Gym + Baby Einstein Discovering Music Activity Table Toy
Crew Backpack 背包的設計可滿足小寶貝的旅行需要, 不管是去公園、學校等地方的短途遊,還是回老家、 探索新地方的長途旅行。 Crew Backpack 背包可容納 2升 /68 盎司的物品, 無論寶貝要去哪里,都能放下所有的 必需品。 這款背包適用於兩歲以上兒童使用,實用的延伸變大功能、 可調節的肩帶和胸帶可讓寶貝倍感舒適。它能讓孩子一直用到 七歲。 它採用耐用的防泡水面料,因此適合幾乎任何類型的天氣。 此外,拉出式坐墊還能提供更多舒適體驗。

Stokke Jetkids CloudSleeper

  • 為寶貝準備的貼心功能
  • 只需拉開拉鏈,就能輕鬆變大
  • 舒適肩墊
  • 帶有胸帶,攜帶起來更方便
  • 採用反光材料,這樣寶貝外出時更醒目,也就更加安全
  • 內部配有坐墊,只需一拉就能拿出,這樣寶貝就不用直接坐在地上了
  • 一個大口袋和兩個小口袋,便於收納物品
  • 配有機長制服條紋,更顯飛行員風格
  • 為父母準備的貼心功能
  • 所有必要組件一應俱全:背包、姓名標籤和坐墊
  • 採用防潑水材料,便於擦淨
  • 輕盈小巧,便於旅行,正好搭配 JetKids™ by Stokke® BedBox™
  • 在不使用時可輕鬆收藏起來節省空間
  • 時尚的斯堪的納維亞設計風格
  • 出門旅行必備
  • 輕盈小巧,便於搭配 JetKids™ by Stokke® BedBox™
  • 可系在 JetKids™ by Stokke® BedBox™ 的外側
  • 可系在大部分機艙座椅的背面
  • 提供豐富色彩,可搭配 JetKids™ by Stokke® BedBox™,讓出行變得更時尚
可延伸變大的背包,適合 2-7 歲兒童
JETKIDS™ BY STOKKE® CREW BACKPACK 小背包 可拉出的坐墊 可拆卸的機長制服條紋
Brand: Stokke
Barcode: 7040355846017
Item Code: O5846010000
Style: O5846
Product Weight (kg): 1.4
Product Width (cm): 150
Product Depth (cm): 75
Maximum Weight (kg): 68
We will deliver all stocked items within 3-5 working days. Courier costs as stated at the check-out.
For Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories, this is HK$50 for orders below HK$350, and free for orders above HK$350.
For Tung Chung, Ma Wan and Discovery Bay, courier cost is HK$150 for all orders.
We deliver anywhere in Hong Kong, with the exception of outlying islands and restricted zones.
