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Mothercare You Me And The Sea Zipped Swaddle 1
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Mothercare You Me And The Sea Zipped Swaddle 2
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Mothercare You Me And The Sea Zipped Swaddle 3
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Mothercare - 嬰兒包被-You, Me and The Sea

Spend HK$799 or more get Mothercare Duck And Fish Teethers - 2 Pack
Spend HK$1,999 or more get Mothercare Duck And Fish Teethers - 2 Pack + Mothercare Pink Muslin Newborn Bibs - 3 pack
Spend HK$3,999 or more get Mothercare Duck And Fish Teethers - 2 Pack + Mothercare Pink Muslin Newborn Bibs - 3 pack + Bright Starts Pop N Sit Portable Booster Seat (Random Color)
Spend HK$5,999 or more get Mothercare Duck And Fish Teethers - 2 Pack + Mothercare Pink Muslin Newborn Bibs - 3 pack + Bright Starts Pop N Sit Portable Booster Seat (Random Color) + Ingenuity Basic Changing Essentials Kit with Changing Pad and Baby Einstein Cals Sensory Shake-up Activity Rattle
Spend HK$7,999 or more get Mothercare Duck And Fish Teethers - 2 Pack + Mothercare Pink Muslin Newborn Bibs - 3 pack + Bright Starts Pop N Sit Portable Booster Seat (Random Color) + Ingenuity Basic Changing Essentials Kit with Changing Pad and Baby Einstein Cals Sensory Shake-up Activity Rattle + Bright Starts Floral Safari Baby Activit Gym
Spend HK$11,999 or more get Mothercare Duck And Fish Teethers - 2 Pack + Mothercare Pink Muslin Newborn Bibs - 3 pack + Bright Starts Pop N Sit Portable Booster Seat (Random Color) + Ingenuity Basic Changing Essentials Kit with Changing Pad and Baby Einstein Cals Sensory Shake-up Activity Rattle + Bright Starts Floral Safari Baby Activit Gym + Baby Einstein Discovering Music Activity Table Toy
我們有精緻印花的包被,為您提供簡單、安全的包被。容易使用,無需複雜的包裹或扣件,只需將嬰兒放在舒適的棉質包被中並拉上拉鍊即可。包被有助重現在媽媽肚裏的舒適感,令寶寶感到安全。包被還可以防止引起嬰兒驚醒的驚嚇反射。此款包巾專為配合我們You,Me and The Sea 系列而設計。這款帶拉鍊的包被用天然柔軟的棉製成,呵護寶寶嬌嫩肌膚。

Mothercare You, Me And The Sea Zipped Swaddle

  • 適合初生至約 14 週寶寶(4kg/8.8lbs以下的嬰兒不應使用包被)
  • 由 100% 純棉製成
  • 有幫寶寶感到安全
  • 包裹著寶寶,會對他們的腹部施加輕微的壓力,有助緩解絞痛
  • 拉鍊的保護裝置,將拉鍊頭包著,可防止夾傷皮膚
  • 柔軟下擺,讓寶寶感到舒適
  • 產品包括
    1 X 包巾
    Name: Mothercare - 嬰兒包被-You, Me and The Sea
    Brand: Mothercare
    Barcode: 5021465307331
    Item Code: UB574000000
    Collection: 基本床上用品
    Style: UB574
    Product Weight (kg): 0.515
    Product Height (cm): 26
    Product Width (cm): 21
    Product Depth (cm): 6
    Fabric Composition: 100%純棉
    Safety Warning Letter: 不適合 4kg/8.8lbs以下的嬰兒使用。當寶寶開始學習翻身時,請停止使用包被。注意不要讓寶寶過熱,要定時檢查寶寶以確保他們舒適且不會太熱。嬰兒在攝氏16-20度的房間內睡覺最合適。如需在BB床上使用毯子,應確保寶寶的頭部不會被毯子遮蓋,而毯子應該捲起並不應放在高於寶寶肩膀的位置。不要將寶寶的手臂包得太緊。
    Care Instruction: 40˚C機洗
    We will deliver all stocked items within 3-5 working days. Courier costs as stated at the check-out.
    For Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories, this is HK$50 for orders below HK$350, and free for orders above HK$350.
    For Tung Chung, Ma Wan and Discovery Bay, courier cost is HK$150 for all orders.
    We deliver anywhere in Hong Kong, with the exception of outlying islands and restricted zones.
