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Mothercare You Me And The Sea Luxury Muslin Blanket 1
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Mothercare You Me And The Sea Luxury Muslin Blanket 2
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Mothercare You Me And The Sea Luxury Muslin Blanket 3
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Mothercare You Me And The Sea Luxury Muslin Blanket 4
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Mothercare You, Me and The Sea系列 高級棉紗毯

Spend HK$799 or more get Mothercare Penguin Teether
Spend HK$1,999 or more get Mothercare Penguin Teether + Mothercare Blue Bear Dribbler Bibs - 3 Pack
Spend HK$3,999 or more get Mothercare Penguin Teether + Mothercare Blue Bear Dribbler Bibs - 3 Pack + Bright Starts Totally Tropical Prop & Play Tummy Time Baby Activity Mat
Spend HK$5,999 or more get Mothercare Penguin Teether + Mothercare Blue Bear Dribbler Bibs - 3 Pack + Bright Starts Totally Tropical Prop & Play Tummy Time Baby Activity Mat + Early Learning Centre My First Scribbler - Jungle
Spend HK$7,999 or more get Mothercare Penguin Teether + Mothercare Blue Bear Dribbler Bibs - 3 Pack + Bright Starts Totally Tropical Prop & Play Tummy Time Baby Activity Mat + Early Learning Centre My First Scribbler - Jungle + Ingenuity Baby Base 2-in-1 Booster Feeding and Floor Seat (Random Color)
Spend HK$11,999 or more get Mothercare Penguin Teether + Mothercare Blue Bear Dribbler Bibs - 3 Pack + Bright Starts Totally Tropical Prop & Play Tummy Time Baby Activity Mat + Early Learning Centre My First Scribbler - Jungle + Ingenuity Baby Base 2-in-1 Booster Feeding and Floor Seat (Random Color) + Baby Einstein 4-in-1 Kickin' Tunes Music & Language Discovery Gym

Mothercare You, Me And The Sea Luxury Muslin Blanket

  • 天然棉
  • 單層透氣
  • 適合襁褓
  • 設計與我們的你、我和大海系列相協調
  • 給新手父母的好禮物
  • 了解更多
    我們的大號平紋細布毯非常柔軟,充滿手繪的海底人物,用途廣泛,可用作嬰兒床或嬰兒車中的輕便毯子,也可用作母乳喂養時的哺乳覆蓋物。您可以在寶寶吃奶時用它擦掉滴落物和溢出物,甚至可以在您外出時用作臨時換尿布墊。柔軟、自然、透氣的平紋細布毯子也非常適合包裹您的寶寶,提供安全和溫暖。易於護理,我們的奢華平紋細布毯子可以放入洗衣機(洗後感覺更柔軟)並且速乾,方便您使用。平紋細布是新手父母最好的朋友,也是一份很棒的禮物。請注意:給寶寶包襁褓時始終遵循安全指南 始終讓寶寶仰臥睡覺 永遠不要蓋住寶寶的頭 不要把寶寶的臀部包得太緊 不要在每次睡眠時間時都為寶寶包襁褓 不要讓他們過熱(你可以通過摸他們的脖子後面來檢查)
    1x 平紋細布毯子
    Barcode: 5021465311987
    Item Code: UB535000000
    Style: UB535
    Product Weight (kg): 0.3
    Product Height (cm): 0.4
    Product Width (cm): 90
    Product Depth (cm): 100
    Fabric Composition: 100%純棉
    Safety Warning Letter: 與相似的顏色的布料一起洗
    Care Instruction: 常規熱水機洗不可漂白可在高溫下滾筒烘乾不可干洗
    We will deliver all stocked items within 3-5 working days. Courier costs as stated at the check-out.
    For Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories, this is HK$50 for orders below HK$600, and free for orders above HK$600.
    For Tung Chung, Ma Wan and Discovery Bay, courier cost is HK$150 for all orders.
    We deliver anywhere in Hong Kong, with the exception of outlying islands and restricted zones.
