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Dry'n' Snack 4層不銹鋼對流式食物風乾機 乾果機 (適合乾果, 蔬菜, 寵物零食 - 鱈魚條、牛肋條、雞肉片、雞腎 ) 免轉換托盤 400W, 溫和而精確風乾 35°-80°
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Beaba Dry 'n' Snack Food Dehydrator 2
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Beaba Dry 'n' Snack Food Dehydrator 3
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Beaba Dry 'n' Snack Food Dehydrator 4
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Beaba Dry 'n' Snack Food Dehydrator 5
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Beaba Dry 'n' Snack Food Dehydrator 6
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Beaba Dry 'n' Snack Food Dehydrator 7
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Dry'n' Snack 4層不銹鋼對流式食物風乾機 乾果機 (適合乾果, 蔬菜, 寵物零食 - 鱈魚條、牛肋條、雞肉片、雞腎 ) 免轉換托盤 400W, 溫和而精確風乾 35°-80°

Spend HK$799 or more get Mothercare Penguin Teether
Spend HK$1,999 or more get Mothercare Penguin Teether + Mothercare Blue Bear Dribbler Bibs - 3 Pack
Spend HK$3,999 or more get Mothercare Penguin Teether + Mothercare Blue Bear Dribbler Bibs - 3 Pack + Bright Starts Totally Tropical Prop & Play Tummy Time Baby Activity Mat
Spend HK$5,999 or more get Mothercare Penguin Teether + Mothercare Blue Bear Dribbler Bibs - 3 Pack + Bright Starts Totally Tropical Prop & Play Tummy Time Baby Activity Mat + Early Learning Centre My First Scribbler - Jungle
Spend HK$7,999 or more get Mothercare Penguin Teether + Mothercare Blue Bear Dribbler Bibs - 3 Pack + Bright Starts Totally Tropical Prop & Play Tummy Time Baby Activity Mat + Early Learning Centre My First Scribbler - Jungle + Ingenuity Baby Base 2-in-1 Booster Feeding and Floor Seat (Random Color)
Spend HK$11,999 or more get Mothercare Penguin Teether + Mothercare Blue Bear Dribbler Bibs - 3 Pack + Bright Starts Totally Tropical Prop & Play Tummy Time Baby Activity Mat + Early Learning Centre My First Scribbler - Jungle + Ingenuity Baby Base 2-in-1 Booster Feeding and Floor Seat (Random Color) + Baby Einstein 4-in-1 Kickin' Tunes Music & Language Discovery Gym
• 為你的孩子自家製美味健康的零食• 低溫加熱以保留營養• 延長食物保存時間• 無限創意食譜• 3D 通風系統精準加熱和均勻風乾 • 電子數碼屏幕 (提供溫度和定時器)• 2 個旋轉按鈕:溫度設置(從 35°C 到 80°C) 定時器設置(從 1 到 24 小時) - 自動關機• 4 層可拆卸不銹鋼多孔托盤• 適用於洗碗碟機 • 淨重 2.6 kg

Beaba Dry 'n' Snack Food Dehydrator

  • 為你的孩子自家製美味健康的零食
  • 低溫加熱以保留營養
  • 延長食物保存時間
  •  無限創意食譜
  • 3D 通風系統精準加熱和均勻風乾
  • 電子數碼屏幕 (提供溫度和定時器)
  • 2 個旋轉按鈕:溫度設置(從 35°C 到 80°C) 定時器設置(從 1 到 24 小時) - 自動關機
  • 4 層可拆卸不銹鋼多孔托盤
  • 適用於洗碗碟機 
  • 淨重 2.6 kg
為了持續保持孩子攝取不同營養,BEABA開發了Dry 'n' Snack,這款食物乾果機可以製作出美味和健康的零食。食物脱水是一個有益的過程。它有助保存食物的營養價值,因為在低溫下脱水可以防止破壞礦物質和維生素。而這個過程更可延長了食材的儲存時間。此外,與罐裝或冷凍食品不同,它是一個耗能極少的過程。有了Dry 'n' Snack 能製作出美味和健康的零食。食物乾果機易於使用和處理,將使您能夠準備眾多不同的食譜。開胃酒、零食等、水果片、酸奶或吃剩的蔬菜經過脫水處理後成為美味、健康和易於攜帶的零食。
沒有什麼比美味的健康和自製的零食更好了。請大家放心• 電子屏幕 (提供溫度和定時器)
• 2 個旋轉按鈕:溫度設置(從 35°C 到 80°C) 定時器設置(從 1 到 24 小時) - 自動關機
• 4 層可拆卸不銹鋼多孔托盤 (每個托盤尺寸200*245 mm) 
• 收集食物屑底部托盤
• 3D 通風系統精準加熱和均勻風乾
• 磁力門鎖
• 風乾食物時節省轉換托盤的時間
• 適用於洗碗碟機
• 產品尺寸: 27.2 x 29 x 21 cm
• 功率: 400W
• 淨重 2.6 kg / 容量 0.6L
Brand: Beaba
Barcode: 3384349129941
Item Code: O9129940000
Style: O9129
Product Height (cm): 21
Product Width (cm): 27.2
Product Depth (cm): 29
We will deliver all stocked items within 3-5 working days. Courier costs as stated at the check-out.
For Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories, this is HK$50 for orders below HK$600, and free for orders above HK$600.
For Tung Chung, Ma Wan and Discovery Bay, courier cost is HK$150 for all orders.
We deliver anywhere in Hong Kong, with the exception of outlying islands and restricted zones.
