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Aden Anais Muslin Swaddles 4 Pack Safari Babes 1
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Aden Anais Muslin Swaddles 4 Pack Safari Babes 2
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Aden Anais Muslin Swaddles 4 Pack Safari Babes 3
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Aden + Anais Muslin Swaddles 4 pack - Safari Babes

Aden + Anais
Spend HK$799 or more get Mothercare Penguin Teether
Spend HK$1,999 or more get Mothercare Penguin Teether + Mothercare Blue Bear Dribbler Bibs - 3 Pack
Spend HK$3,999 or more get Mothercare Penguin Teether + Mothercare Blue Bear Dribbler Bibs - 3 Pack + Bright Starts Totally Tropical Prop & Play Tummy Time Baby Activity Mat
Spend HK$5,999 or more get Mothercare Penguin Teether + Mothercare Blue Bear Dribbler Bibs - 3 Pack + Bright Starts Totally Tropical Prop & Play Tummy Time Baby Activity Mat + Early Learning Centre My First Scribbler - Jungle
Spend HK$7,999 or more get Mothercare Penguin Teether + Mothercare Blue Bear Dribbler Bibs - 3 Pack + Bright Starts Totally Tropical Prop & Play Tummy Time Baby Activity Mat + Early Learning Centre My First Scribbler - Jungle + Ingenuity Baby Base 2-in-1 Booster Feeding and Floor Seat (Random Color)
Spend HK$11,999 or more get Mothercare Penguin Teether + Mothercare Blue Bear Dribbler Bibs - 3 Pack + Bright Starts Totally Tropical Prop & Play Tummy Time Baby Activity Mat + Early Learning Centre My First Scribbler - Jungle + Ingenuity Baby Base 2-in-1 Booster Feeding and Floor Seat (Random Color) + Baby Einstein 4-in-1 Kickin' Tunes Music & Language Discovery Gym
無論您如何使用我們的 100%棉質紗布巾嬰兒包巾- 嬰兒車罩、打嗝布或護理罩等等 - 它都以舒適的方式圍繞著您的小寶貝。無數世代以來,母親們一直用天然紗巾包裹和照顧他們的孩子。 aden + anais 以我們經典的嬰兒包巾延續了這項傳統。透氣面料有助於降低過熱風險,而標誌性印花則與您的獨特風格相得益彰。

Aden + Anais Muslin Swaddles 4 pack - Safari Babes

  • 四個預洗的 100% 純棉紗巾
  • 透氣:有助於降低過熱風險
  • 寬大的尺寸:讓嬰兒包巾變得輕鬆
  • 舒適:每次洗滌都會變得更柔軟
  • 用途廣泛:可用作嬰兒車或哺乳罩、換尿布墊罩、打嗝布、俯臥毯等
  • 基本資料
    Barcode: 842332125125
    Item Code: O9000125125
    Style: O9000
    Season: 0
    We will deliver all stocked items within 3-5 working days. Courier costs as stated at the check-out.
    For Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories, this is HK$50 for orders below HK$600, and free for orders above HK$600.
    For Tung Chung, Ma Wan and Discovery Bay, courier cost is HK$150 for all orders.
    We deliver anywhere in Hong Kong, with the exception of outlying islands and restricted zones.
