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Newborn Sleeping Tips with Cocoonababy

Newborn baby sleeps up to 20 hours a day, a good environment is important to baby’s condition throughout the day, and the body development. Here are some tips to make baby sleep better.

Mimic the environment of womb

The best way to comfort baby is to recreate the same feeling of the womb. Methods like swaddling with muslin, playing white noise provides sense of security to baby just like they are in the womb. Cocoonababy’s design let baby’s body shape like womb, allowing baby to slowly adapt the world
Keep your baby close both day and night

From your smell and voice, your baby will learn to recognise that there is support in care and comfort. This sense of security calms baby down. Cocoonababy allow you to bring baby around you in a safe and contained position.
Create a cozy bedtime routine

Turn your home into a calm oasis to wind down baby in a calm state before bed. Create a nice ritual like a baby massage, playing soft jazz can help baby realize it is time to sleep.
Try Cocoonababy

One solution for all concerns. Cocoonababy’s womb-like design helps improve sleep quality and length, reduce the risk of flat head, and also allows baby to move, which encourage balanced body development.
